Large Size Seashells

Bursa Lissostoma ( Bufo )

Tonnoidea (RT 127)
: Bursa Lissostoma (Smith 1914)
Common Name: Red Mouth Frog Shell
Origin: Malaysia
 7,5cm (3in)


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A solid but not very heavy shell with an inflated body whorl and a tall spire with a deep, uneven suture. The spiral ribs are strongest around the periphely of whorls where they override prominent, bluntly pointed tubercles. There may be three or four additional spiral ribs below peripheral ones on body whorl. The broad, thin outer lip is wrinkled and bluntly toothed within. The parital shield is thin and wide; the columella has slender folds. White in color, with brown spiral lines.

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Size (in)

3 – 4in, 4 – 5in, 5 – 6in