Five Fingers Seashells (Lambis lambis / Common Spider Conch)
According to people in India, they seem to belief these seashells have five fingers and has “good luck” charm. However, western version spells out that these shells have 7 fingers. The five finger shells can be used for decorating the living space.
Also, according to oceanography, if a person has five conch shells in his hand, then such people are considered lucky. For those interested, I am presenting an article about “5 fingers Shells” from an authors from India, which I found captivating…
As the name suggests, five finger shells have elongated finger like pointy structures which are attached to its body. These are porcupine like shells with natural pale pink finish. These have a premium and natural finish with some brown strands here and there. These five finger shells can be used for decorating the living spaces.
The five finger shell has spikes on its top which is polished & glazed. It can be placed in various locations like desks, drawing rooms, cabinets and on top of racks. The outer surface of the shell is polished and finished to give it a premium finish. The shell can be placed in two ways, one is the spiked side up and the other one is the pale pink side up. The shell has an opening in the bottom which has a pale pink finish that shines when light falls on it.