Shells News/Information(The Architecture of Life)

Seashells sculpture(Architecture of Life)

Women, whether it’s Kate Moss or Alison Lapper, can’t seem to resist stripping when it comes to the British artist Marc Quinn. The latest to disrobe was the downtown muse Natalie White, who whipped off her scanties and emerged as a Botticelli beauty as soon as she saw Quinn’s 2013 sculpture The Architecture of Life at Mary Boone Gallery. Considering Quinn’s giant seashells have already been snapped up by the likes of Matt Stone, the co-creator of “South Park”, there was some concern that White might devalue the $1.2m sculpture in which she frolicked. But the work not only impressed Henry Moore’s daughter, Mary, who said “this is the sort of thing Dad would have loved”, but equally enchanted a visiting boy, who cried: “Mummy, there’s a live mermaid in the gallery!” White Cube should now be on high alert as the gallery unveils Quinn’s first ever “meat painting” at Frieze; Ms White has threatened to stage her own naked “meat dance” in its honour.

From In The Frame

Published online: 09 May 2013