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Lambis Lambis ( L/Spine )

Stromboidea (RT 81)
Lambis lambis (Linnaeus 1758)
Sand inshore
Origin: Malaysia
15cm (6in)


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A large, solid shell with a spire almost as long as its body whorl. The widely flared aperture has six long, hollow spines, open throughout their length, which mostly curve upwards. The siphonal canal is almost a mirror image of the uppermost spine; the stromboid notch is deep. Blunt knobs decorate the body whorl, the knob nearest the lip concave. A parietal callus covers the shell’s apertural side. Creamy white, mottled and streaked with brown.

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Size (in)

3 – 4in, 4 – 5in, 5 – 6in